5 Ways The Life Science Industry Utilizes HTML to Increase Sales

Simple non-intrusive offer, pillar, blog, or a guide
HTML isn’t just a trendy media format, it’s something marketers can use to help close sales.

You can’t expect your sales team to rely on static marketing content to make a pitch anymore. Arm your sales team with a more interactive set of tools to make the sale. PDFs and pitch decks tell your customers why they should buy – but HTML that includes video tutorials, product demonstrations, forms, and pricing calculators shows them why they should buy from you. It’s the complete customer experience. View this infographic to learn five ways you can boost your marketing content with HTML.

vablet integrates seamlessly with your cloud-based marketing solutions. It’s a fully-fused platform that syncs your field sales rep’s call activities with Salesforce and your marketing automation solutions to provide the enhanced metrics needed to make your sales charts move up and to the right.