
The 5 Most Important Words in any Sales Rep’s Vocabulary

There is a kind of power in words – and choosing just the right expression could be critical to closing a successful sale.


There is a kind of power in words – and choosing just the right expression could be critical to closing a successful sale. Confucius said: “Without knowing the force of words, it is impossible to know more.”

There’s always a place for an attractive image, an eye-catching infographic, even an impressive chart or two – but the power of persuasion, and the real weight of our arguments lies in the way we use our words.

Sales reps can benefit from knowing how to weigh their words carefully, and there are a few words that never fail to hit the mark when it comes to persuading a prospect to make that final decision to purchase.

1. “Instant”

Our culture is an impatient one. We demand instant gratification. Why wait? Who’s got the time?

In the business world this is probably more valid than anywhere else. Nobody has time for solutions that take days, weeks – or heaven forbid – months to take effect. Customers want immediate solutions to their problems. They want tangible results now.

Using words like “instant,” “immediate,” “fast,” and, if you’re feeling adventurous, “rapid,” or even “prompt,” can give your pitch a sense of snap and urgency that customers will be attracted to, subliminally.

2. “Result”

This is what we’re all after, isn’t it? It’s what drives our companies, and pays our salaries and bonus checks. Managers demand results from employees. Customers demand results from service providers.

When discussing a customer’s specific needs and pain points, it’s useful to sprinkle this word into the discussion from time to time. Make sure he knows that the “results” are going to be positive ones, and of course, if it’s feasible, “instant results!”

3. “How”

A sales pitch that deals in generalities and vague concepts lacks power. A customer wants to know exactly how your product works, and how it is going to help him.

The word “how” is always going to be connected to a practical solution. Practical solutions always sit at the top of a customer’s wish list. For example: “Let me show you how this relates to your specific problem.” “This is exactly how it will impact your ROI…”

4. “You”

Not everyone is a narcissist, but even so, the word “you” is probably the most important in a sales rep’s arsenal.

Using “we” or “our” might be seen as polite, or even diplomatic, and create common ground to work from, but ultimately it takes the focus away from the person making the decision – the customer. What you’re selling isn’t going to benefit “us” it’s going to benefit the individual you’re talking to. It’s a customer-centric market, after all.

5. “Known”

This word relates to how dependable, reliable and trustworthy your words are. It reassures the customer that he’s not in uncharted territory, and he’s not a guinea pig for a new and experimental product. What you’re saying is tried and tested, and you’ve got the research and experience to back it up. Social proof can add weight to your argument, and proven results can clinch the deal.

The right words can influence a decision to purchase. They might operate on a subliminal level, but they have power.

If you’re a top-performing sales rep preparing your line of approach, consider peppering your speech with some of these power-words. They could add a subtle but persuasive edge, and help you secure new clients, or cement your ongoing relationships.

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