It’s a given that the main goal of every enterprise is to create a profit. But how can this goal be attained by deploying iPads? Let’s take a look back and see how the iPad has changed marketing, sales and IT departments since it hit the market.
Historically, marketing communications have been delivered on paper; typically in the form of corporate information, product brochures, leave behinds, spec sheets and price sheets. Sales reps have been carrying these documents for years. They are expensive, difficult to manage, to update or to recall, and it’s even more difficult to know if they are affective.
By using the iPad, marketing has been able to utilize rich media file types, it can safely and securely deliver analytics and goal achieved, while tracking interactions, brand sentiment, and mention in real time. iPads have made it possible so marketing department members can work on-the-go, a circumstance that turns out to be an asset for the new world of social media. Mobile devices create an interactive marketing experience, rather than a report done on something that happened in the past.
A sales organization can be comprised of several varieties of sales people; these can include in-house sales reps, outside or field sales reps, contracted sales reps and even resellers or distributors. No matter what the role on the sales team, each person has one thing in common: the responsibility of generating dependable revenue for the company.

Customers usually base most of their buying decisions based on the information that was presented to them by a sales person. Therefore, the informational resources available to a sales person is a key component in the sales process. It has to be accurate, up-to-date, and readily available. iPads, when equipped with a sales enablement application, allow for crucial information to be organized, recorded, and shared. Sales enablement platforms on mobile devices have made an impact on every different variety of sales people because of the many different features they offer.
Information Technology (IT) Raise your hand if you are part of an IT department that is understaffed and overworked! While we don’t enjoy the reality of this truth, it’s a reality nonetheless. Unfortunately, when these factors are not dealt with, they can create a roadblock in the advancement of meaningful technology. When the IT department is pulled in a million different directions, adapting new technology can be put on the back burner because the task feels daunting under the number of “to-do’s” the IT already has on their list.
iPad technology has taken the IT middleman out of these new applications to run smoothly. Because the app developer has already worked out the IT kinks, applications such as sales enablement tools are ready to go once they are downloaded. These applications require the IT team to be up to speed on iPad software updates and the basic knowledge of how iPads work, but they do not have to be fully trained in the application. Of course, the IT department will always be the backbone behind the technology that is adapted by a department or company, but iPads have given each department the space they need to grow and adopt new technology to help the company thrive.
iPads and mobile devices have reshaped the way we do business. Marketing, Sales, and IT have all been able to expand their horizons through the use of mobile devices. Sales Enablement platforms such as Vablet, have furthered these endeavors by creating a platform that can be utilized with ease and support communications between departments. Vablet is completely customizable to fit your business needs, contact us today for a personalized demo!