
Leveraging New Technology

The ability to leverage new technologies has always been something we all strive for, but depending on where we are in the technology time continuum, our ability to do that may be too costly or unattainable from a resource perspective.

The ability to leverage new technologies has always been something we all strive for, but depending on where we are in the technology time continuum, our ability to do that may be too costly or unattainable from a resource perspective. For example, when automobiles were first invented, not everyone could afford them.

And, until about 2010, with the introduction of the iPad 1, coupled with the explosion of mobile devices that are “smart” (and sold at prices low enough for most everyone to use), we see companies focused on the opportunity that these now affordable devices have created.

As this way of thinking has evolved, we really like the way the marketing teams of our clients are being more creative lately. There is a recognition of the changing times in the utilization of new technology to further their corporate initiatives, both internally and externally, but there is also a transformation in digital content development as well. We are seeing some amazing digital tools created for sales, HR, training, and for common tasks.

These tools can be tailored to the needs of an individual organization or even smaller groups within an organization and customized to a look and feel our clients prefer. Some examples include medical calculators, “if/then” sales tools, product reference tools, price estimators, flash card-like training apps, and electronic forms with photos, videos ,and signatures. These tools are always unique to a specific need and each solves a required purpose or problem.

As a way to accelerate the adoption of this trend in creative thinking with technology, many of our clients have increased the involvement of their digital agencies. Digital agencies have been retained not only for their creative expertise but also for their knowledge of the latest tools and recent trends in software like HTML5. The partnership between the client and the agency can generate some really cool tools.

Let us know how we can help your organization accelerate the use of technology in a mobile world. We can tell you some interesting stories and show you incredible ways to use technology.

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