
Multichannel Marketing in the Era of Digital Transformation

Multichannel marketing is more pertinent than ever. Gartner reports that digital sales are expected to rise 80% by 2020. Currently, a staggering 50% of IT products are tied to the digital economy.

Multichannel marketing is more pertinent than ever.

Gartner reports that digital sales are expected to rise 80% by 2020. Currently, a staggering 50% of IT products are tied to the digital economy. So it’s safe to say we’re going through an economic transformation powered by all-essential Internet technology.

The only way to tackle business in the tech revolution is to embrace experimental approaches. Introducing: multichannel marketing. This approach is the key to securing effective partnerships.

But navigating the digital economic landscape can be very tricky. With individual organizations employing varied initiatives, drawing average results may not feasible.

So how can you get a leg up?

As your business matures, the best approach is ensuring your datasets are consistent. Performing regular checks to refine results is the key to an effective sales strategy.  Then the real challenges are establishing who the decision-makers are, then focusing your sales and marketing tactics on those influencers.

In the ever-changing digital economy, knowing where to start is key. We believe identifying your objectives is the wise first step. Here are tips for designing a multichannel program:

Ask yourself: what can a multi-channel program do?

Multichannel marketing can:

  • Increase brand interactions and engagement
  • Spark customer engagement
  • Garner feedback from prospects
  • Generate ROI on promotional investments
  • Guide customers through the sales funnel

Create an engaging customer experience:

  • Build a brand message that users relate to
  • Target relevant, tailored content to highly specific audiences
  • Offer something of value every time you reach out

Whatever you’re offering, it should align with your customer’s needs. Ultimately, that is what will increase conversions and your company’s bottom line.

Execute an inter-departmental approach

Multichannel marketing works best when everyone in the department participates. Nowadays success de a 360-view of its audience. That means all data must go into the back end and be monitored and adjusted regularly.

This approach harmonizes every marketing channel, creating a holistic synergy that reaps ultimate results. Taking your marketing approach multichannel may not be easy. That’s why we’re here to help.

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