
6 Ways to Sales Enablement Success

#1 Instant Access to ContentIn today’s on-demand economy, having instant access to information is critical.

#1 Instant Access to Content
In today’s on-demand economy, having instant access to information is critical. It doesn’t matter if your reps have access to the internet or not, the content needs to be locally available.

#2 Using Rich Media
The requirement for dynamic content is the new norm. Forward-looking companies are integrating rich media technologies into the fabric of their mission critical business processes, especially sales. Sales reps with rich content enjoy a competitive advantage over those that do not.

#3 Closing Smart Buyers
Because today’s buyers are further down the sales funnel, sales people must be ready to close the sale at any given time. This means that they need to have all of the tools required to close the sale at their disposal.

#4 Align Marketing Content to Sales Goals
Marketing content must align with sales goals and processes. Given that a company’s investment in content is significant, understanding who has what content, who is using the content, and how it’s being used is very important.

#5 On-demand Training
On-demand training through a sales enablement platform provides immediate reinforcement for field sales reps. The ability to provide training materials at their fingertips gives them an instant resource for research and builds confidence in sales meetings. Associating training materials to sales results will give the company insight and help develop better tools for training.

#6 Aligning Sales & Marketing
Marketing can now tailor the customer engagement because relationship-driven content is in the field. When you can determine what your customers like and how they respond to the content being presented, it makes for a more engaged customer, thus closing the loop on the sales cycle.

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